Inclusive Marketing Must Be Our Default. Here’s Why.

Inclusive Marketing Must Be Our Default. Here’s Why.

Marketing is core to many businesses - whether it's products, solutions & everything in between. Creating some new is all well and good, but if it’s not marketed or put into the wild, then no one sees it... and no one buys it. I’d call that wasted effort, and no one has time for that.

Now, marketing is one thing but marketing that reaches almost everyone is another. When we market a product, painting a picture for people to envisage what it’s like to own, use or interact with, we want them to feel like they cannot do without it - it’s the thing they’ve been missing, until now. However, all too often, our marketing of new solutions has only been created with those we directly identify with in mind.

Read more here.

Report: 49% of Black Workers Are Considering Leaving Their Job and Here’s Why

Report: 49% of Black Workers Are Considering Leaving Their Job and Here’s Why

7 Technology-driven Approaches to Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

7 Technology-driven Approaches to Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace