7 Technology-driven Approaches to Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

7 Technology-driven Approaches to Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

From monitoring with AI to leveraging specific data, there are many different ways to promote DEI with technology.

Try Blind Recruitment Software

Blind recruitment software is a tool that I highly recommend for organizations who want to remove bias from the recruitment and hiring process. This technology hides certain information about candidates from recruiters or members of a hiring committee to reduce instances of bias during the review process.  In a world where everyone has unconscious bias, mitigating it before it has a negative impact on hiring decisions is an essential step in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.  Often, discrimination against candidates begins with a simple review of their resumes. When you eliminate culturally identifying factors such as an individual’s name, universities or colleges they have attended or organizations they are affiliated with, you are creating a fairer process, giving marginalized communities an opportunity to compete for jobs in a way that is fair and inclusive. 

Read more here.

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